pkol 2 td...aku keluar...
"Cantik doh awan!tgok r..."...ejat
" cpat!"...legob
"Nampak pulak!"...ejat
awan sgt cantek...langet merah
mcm fajar megalada...hehe
tp da pkol 2 pg kot...
awan tuh bergerak 1 line tau!sgt cantek
bkan awan komolonimbus yg x cantek tuh!haha
bintang2 berkelip laju...di sebalik awan tu la...
ade 1 bintang yg plig cerah dan menarek perhatian aku..
ejat pergi meninggalkan aku terpinga-pinga
tp xpe..aku suke!heee
lme aku tgok langet..crik bulan xde
ntah ape yg aku crikla...hurmmmm
xde motif pon...bru tgok cter Buzzer beat,brangan la jap..
"i can't believe love can be so progress"kte awek jepon aku...haha
"I kissed"...hurmm..
seandainya dunia semudah ceritakn...
nah...corus lagu bintang..
aku petik bintang
dalam kegelapan malam
x ingin keseorangan
aku petik bintang
untuk jadikan teman
x ingin keseorangan
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Working class Hero
"wan kne ubah cre idop wan tuh...enjoy je tau...kt sane cni nk enjoy...bli brg sume nk yg mahal2
jek...bju banyak lg dlm robok tuh ibu tgok...da bli yg baru"
"bia la kte beserdehana...pakai pon sme,bia dlm poket ade x,pakai handal2..
tp dwet xde"
"kawal care berbelanja tuh...jgn ikot nafsu...ibu tgok wan ni blanje mcm anak org kaya..wan kne
igt..kte ni bkan org kaye...kesian ayah tuh..pnat die keje...kte bkan org senang wan..sume nk
lpaskan ape yg perlu..mmg la kdg2 tgok ibu ayah tu sume untuk keperluan wan adek
bradek...brg2 kt ruma nih.."
"ubah la care idop tuh ek...igt kt ibu ayah nie".....kte ibu.....
"wan nti da dpat dwet loan...jimat2 la sket...ayah xde dwet...nk byar dwet kete,moto wan...adek2
nk tuisyen sume"...kate ayah...
ayah aku hanyalah seorang pengurus cawangan kt pejabat pos tmn tun....
adek bradek aku ade 6...aku yg plg tue...yg len sume kcik2 lg...
sume nk pkai dwet nk skola..
bayangkan mcm mane bpak aku nk sara kami sekeluarga...
tp alhamdulilah...kami bkan lah org susah
x jauh beza pon ngan family laen...
cume kdg2 tuh mmg agak sesak la....
"ayah...msukkn dwet ek esok..."
"ayah xde dwet la wan...nti mgu dpan ek...ayah msukan sket dulu oke.."
En Jamian bin Supaat.....andalah working class hero kami...
x pe yah...insyaallah...nti wan da keje..wan bole tlog la adek sket2
"wan ni kn,nti da keje pon..mcti slalu xde dwet...tgokkn gaya lah..."kte ibu...
"kcik2 ni pon da berhutang sane-sini"....katenye lagi...
"lu x risau ke gob...diorunk tuh anak org senang...bole ke diorunk paham masalah
org2 kelas pertengahan mcm kite nk jdik hero ke?!!!"kate si gonjeng
"ntah la jeng..."
jek...bju banyak lg dlm robok tuh ibu tgok...da bli yg baru"
"bia la kte beserdehana...pakai pon sme,bia dlm poket ade x,pakai handal2..
tp dwet xde"
"kawal care berbelanja tuh...jgn ikot nafsu...ibu tgok wan ni blanje mcm anak org kaya..wan kne
igt..kte ni bkan org kaye...kesian ayah tuh..pnat die keje...kte bkan org senang wan..sume nk
lpaskan ape yg perlu..mmg la kdg2 tgok ibu ayah tu sume untuk keperluan wan adek
bradek...brg2 kt ruma nih.."
"ubah la care idop tuh ek...igt kt ibu ayah nie".....kte ibu.....
"wan nti da dpat dwet loan...jimat2 la sket...ayah xde dwet...nk byar dwet kete,moto wan...adek2
nk tuisyen sume"...kate ayah...
ayah aku hanyalah seorang pengurus cawangan kt pejabat pos tmn tun....
adek bradek aku ade 6...aku yg plg tue...yg len sume kcik2 lg...
sume nk pkai dwet nk skola..
bayangkan mcm mane bpak aku nk sara kami sekeluarga...
tp alhamdulilah...kami bkan lah org susah
x jauh beza pon ngan family laen...
cume kdg2 tuh mmg agak sesak la....
"ayah...msukkn dwet ek esok..."
"ayah xde dwet la wan...nti mgu dpan ek...ayah msukan sket dulu oke.."
En Jamian bin Supaat.....andalah working class hero kami...
x pe yah...insyaallah...nti wan da keje..wan bole tlog la adek sket2
"wan ni kn,nti da keje pon..mcti slalu xde dwet...tgokkn gaya lah..."kte ibu...
"kcik2 ni pon da berhutang sane-sini"....katenye lagi...
"lu x risau ke gob...diorunk tuh anak org senang...bole ke diorunk paham masalah
org2 kelas pertengahan mcm kite nk jdik hero ke?!!!"kate si gonjeng
"ntah la jeng..."
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Drugs Don't Work
All this talk of getting old
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down
And I hope you're thinking of me
As you lay down on your side
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
But I know I'm on a losing streak
'Cause I passed down my old street
And if you wanna show, then just let me know
And I'll sing in your ear again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
'Cause baby, ooh, if heaven calls, I'm coming, too
Just like you said, you leave my life, I'm better off dead
All this talk of getting old
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
'Cause baby, ooh, if heaven calls, I'm coming, too
Just like you said, you leave my life, I'm better off dead
But if you wanna show, just let me know
And I'll sing in your ear again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
I'm never going down, I'm never coming down
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more
I'm never coming down, I'm never going down
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down
And I hope you're thinking of me
As you lay down on your side
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
But I know I'm on a losing streak
'Cause I passed down my old street
And if you wanna show, then just let me know
And I'll sing in your ear again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
'Cause baby, ooh, if heaven calls, I'm coming, too
Just like you said, you leave my life, I'm better off dead
All this talk of getting old
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
'Cause baby, ooh, if heaven calls, I'm coming, too
Just like you said, you leave my life, I'm better off dead
But if you wanna show, just let me know
And I'll sing in your ear again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
I'm never going down, I'm never coming down
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more
I'm never coming down, I'm never going down
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more
Monday, August 24, 2009
Die billy die!
agak sukar menaip dalam keadaan meniarap
jdi aku ubah kepada posisi menyangkong
ahhhh...hendak terberak pula rasanya
tet si rum mate memandang sinis atas pelakuan ini..
aku x kesa pon tet!haha
ok....aku nk ckp psal ape yg aku x suke
aku x suke laki yg menduakan bahkan mentigakn
bahkan mendozenkn perempuan...
ohhh...poyonyer pernyataan ini kan
maafkan sy jika anda x suke... mampos lah!mmg aku x suke ape...
ok!1 st ting...
apabila seorang lelaki melakukan hal yg demikian
aku atau golongan sperti aku yg akan menerima tempiasnya..
slalu dgr penyataan.."ah!laki sume same je..da nme pon laki.." yg berdosa akan tersnyum riang sambil berkata..."mmgla...hahaha"
aku....."mmg sume laki same ke?"
kte2 kite agak sukarr untuk dipercaye...apetah lg rse hati kte yg slalu di sala ertikn sbagai ayat manes...huhu
sbab pempuan da sgt biase ngan perkare tuh
dan akhirnya,tuh bkan sal diorunk kn...btol x?
ia adalah kesalahan segerombolan lelaki yg sgt gemar memainkan hati wanita
dan menyangka diri mereka adalah player(my arse!...)
gud job people....wut goes around comes around lah....
aku bkan org baek...aku pon manusie...aku pon laki
aku harap aku bkan lah ape yg aku bru katekan
kter bole jdik ape yg kite cube fikirkan org laen...
we do a mess...other people will hurt...
bkan la nk ckp aku ni baek sgt wutsoeva...
tp aku cume seorng yg sgt menghargai cinta kot..
x pcaye?tnye lah org yg rapat ngan aku...
x pcaye lg?tanye ibu aku...g la!
tp kn...
tahun 2009...sekadar mengucapkn "i luv u"
x ckop bro...seyes nie...
dwet bkan sglenye memerlukan dwet lah
bukan la nk ckap pompuan nih mate duitan...
tp ini keperluan...bkan lg kemahuan...aku rse korunk tau lah
haa...tu la masalahnyer..
nk meng-adekn bende yg xde...kt mane nk cekau...???
lelong lah ayat "i luv u" tuh kt pasar brong Pandan
2nd ting...n countin
ade seorang lelaki yg mempunyai 3 org awek...
3 org awek nie syg kt laki tuh
dan meyangke laki tuh sgt menyayangi mereka
bahkan mereka tidak tahu menahu langsung adenye 3 or 4 org
yg berfikiran sme seprti mereka...
apabila ade seorang lelaki yg menghampiri dan cube utk berknalan
(dgn niat yg bek la of course dan niat ingin memperisterikan mereka...hehe)
mereka akan berkata..."sory,i'm taken"
dan lelaki berlalu pergi sambil merintih...huhu
ok...3 girls for 1 guy....
1 times 3 equals to 3
10 times 3 equal to 30
20 org gurl mempunyai peluang untuk ditinggalkn kot
btape byaknye peluang yg tersie dan btape rmi nye pompuan yg ditipu..
i bet there is more than 10 guy who did dat...
"beautiful gurl alwez taken mates!"kate si gonjol...
"btol3"kate si upin...
its not a long she were taken by a rite guy
akan ade org yg sgt mnyampah dgn entry aku
tp aku x peduli..aku pon lelaki jgak ape...(dumb asss!)
troskan bermain dan kau akan termain 1 ari nti
bru pdan muke ko....
mungkin bg aku...yg blom pernah bole ckp "awek aku nk ikot tau"
ini adalah masalah bg aku..
tp...aku cool i desperate?no la
plan2 kayoh la...wut a big deal of not havin a girlfriend?
i'm still alive n kickin wut...
aku bcenta ngan die aku akan kawen ngan die...
so...better watch out coz i'm not foolin around...
jgn kesiankan aku coz aku da terbiase...
skandel mandel bkan cite rase aku...
malah pernah aku dedicate lgu Aku Scandal kt sum 1 nih
noe wut?die nges siot...trase la tuh...sory ya!
ade lelaki kt lua sne...yg mungkin pendek akal
xtau la ape yg diorg nk dri seorng pempuan yg bg aku hampir sempurna(perlu di igtkn bahawa tiada manusia yg sempurne oke...)
papepon....saba je la k...dun wory,gud guys still exist
biarkan si luncai terjon dgn labu-labu basi nya...
huhu...da la...nti ade org bkar blog aku...
sory...aku mmg poyo
*berikan aku peluang memakai baju...slame 22 tahun aku di sekeliling sudah 10-12 kali tukar baju baru dlm mse 22 tahun...aku xnk pon!cukuplah aku dpat pki baju tuh smpi aku mati bile aku da mati..tkarkanlah baju tuh dgn kain kapan yer...
jdi aku ubah kepada posisi menyangkong
ahhhh...hendak terberak pula rasanya
tet si rum mate memandang sinis atas pelakuan ini..
aku x kesa pon tet!haha
ok....aku nk ckp psal ape yg aku x suke
aku x suke laki yg menduakan bahkan mentigakn
bahkan mendozenkn perempuan...
ohhh...poyonyer pernyataan ini kan
maafkan sy jika anda x suke... mampos lah!mmg aku x suke ape...
ok!1 st ting...
apabila seorang lelaki melakukan hal yg demikian
aku atau golongan sperti aku yg akan menerima tempiasnya..
slalu dgr penyataan.."ah!laki sume same je..da nme pon laki.." yg berdosa akan tersnyum riang sambil berkata..."mmgla...hahaha"
aku....."mmg sume laki same ke?"
kte2 kite agak sukarr untuk dipercaye...apetah lg rse hati kte yg slalu di sala ertikn sbagai ayat manes...huhu
sbab pempuan da sgt biase ngan perkare tuh
dan akhirnya,tuh bkan sal diorunk kn...btol x?
ia adalah kesalahan segerombolan lelaki yg sgt gemar memainkan hati wanita
dan menyangka diri mereka adalah player(my arse!...)
gud job people....wut goes around comes around lah....
aku bkan org baek...aku pon manusie...aku pon laki
aku harap aku bkan lah ape yg aku bru katekan
kter bole jdik ape yg kite cube fikirkan org laen...
we do a mess...other people will hurt...
bkan la nk ckp aku ni baek sgt wutsoeva...
tp aku cume seorng yg sgt menghargai cinta kot..
x pcaye?tnye lah org yg rapat ngan aku...
x pcaye lg?tanye ibu aku...g la!
tp kn...
tahun 2009...sekadar mengucapkn "i luv u"
x ckop bro...seyes nie...
dwet bkan sglenye memerlukan dwet lah
bukan la nk ckap pompuan nih mate duitan...
tp ini keperluan...bkan lg kemahuan...aku rse korunk tau lah
haa...tu la masalahnyer..
nk meng-adekn bende yg xde...kt mane nk cekau...???
lelong lah ayat "i luv u" tuh kt pasar brong Pandan
2nd ting...n countin
ade seorang lelaki yg mempunyai 3 org awek...
3 org awek nie syg kt laki tuh
dan meyangke laki tuh sgt menyayangi mereka
bahkan mereka tidak tahu menahu langsung adenye 3 or 4 org
yg berfikiran sme seprti mereka...
apabila ade seorang lelaki yg menghampiri dan cube utk berknalan
(dgn niat yg bek la of course dan niat ingin memperisterikan mereka...hehe)
mereka akan berkata..."sory,i'm taken"
dan lelaki berlalu pergi sambil merintih...huhu
ok...3 girls for 1 guy....
1 times 3 equals to 3
10 times 3 equal to 30
20 org gurl mempunyai peluang untuk ditinggalkn kot
btape byaknye peluang yg tersie dan btape rmi nye pompuan yg ditipu..
i bet there is more than 10 guy who did dat...
"beautiful gurl alwez taken mates!"kate si gonjol...
"btol3"kate si upin...
its not a long she were taken by a rite guy
akan ade org yg sgt mnyampah dgn entry aku
tp aku x peduli..aku pon lelaki jgak ape...(dumb asss!)
troskan bermain dan kau akan termain 1 ari nti
bru pdan muke ko....
mungkin bg aku...yg blom pernah bole ckp "awek aku nk ikot tau"
ini adalah masalah bg aku..
tp...aku cool i desperate?no la
plan2 kayoh la...wut a big deal of not havin a girlfriend?
i'm still alive n kickin wut...
aku bcenta ngan die aku akan kawen ngan die...
so...better watch out coz i'm not foolin around...
jgn kesiankan aku coz aku da terbiase...
skandel mandel bkan cite rase aku...
malah pernah aku dedicate lgu Aku Scandal kt sum 1 nih
noe wut?die nges siot...trase la tuh...sory ya!
ade lelaki kt lua sne...yg mungkin pendek akal
xtau la ape yg diorg nk dri seorng pempuan yg bg aku hampir sempurna(perlu di igtkn bahawa tiada manusia yg sempurne oke...)
papepon....saba je la k...dun wory,gud guys still exist
biarkan si luncai terjon dgn labu-labu basi nya...
huhu...da la...nti ade org bkar blog aku...
sory...aku mmg poyo
*berikan aku peluang memakai baju...slame 22 tahun aku di sekeliling sudah 10-12 kali tukar baju baru dlm mse 22 tahun...aku xnk pon!cukuplah aku dpat pki baju tuh smpi aku mati bile aku da mati..tkarkanlah baju tuh dgn kain kapan yer...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
i'm here in malacca
slamat pg!heeeeeeeeee
aku bru smpi uma..from jb
lpak hang tuah mall td...ujan lbat gle
da la nek moto...da kol 2...nk xnk redah je la
smpi uma menggigil-gigil kot..huhu
tros mdi n bkak fb...rindu lah!hehe
ok!aku slamat berpose slame 2 hari...hehe
harap hari akan datang dpat aku tempuhi,,,,
so..aku hepy blek jb
lpak ngan my lads...lg2 si nonox yg bru blek dr japan
den..lpak ngan dak2 skola renda aku
intan..ain...nor ngan ermmmm...sorg lg x tau nme die ape...sory!hehe
spanjag cuti ni kn...aku cm rse len mcm sket
xtau la sbab ape....hurmmmmm
td gurl dok sbela aku...
da nk smpi...die tgor aku dulu!haha
reti plak aku nk abes cm tuh je la...haha(aku pon x tringin nk mtak ape2)
btw.aku pneng la kne ujan td...rse nk ckp bnyak tp esok-esoklah yer
*bibir aku bdarah....mse nga ceum adek td...die bley lompat!hampeh
xpe dek...abg ttap syg ko..huhu
aku bru smpi uma..from jb
lpak hang tuah mall td...ujan lbat gle
da la nek moto...da kol 2...nk xnk redah je la
smpi uma menggigil-gigil kot..huhu
tros mdi n bkak fb...rindu lah!hehe
ok!aku slamat berpose slame 2 hari...hehe
harap hari akan datang dpat aku tempuhi,,,,
so..aku hepy blek jb
lpak ngan my lads...lg2 si nonox yg bru blek dr japan
den..lpak ngan dak2 skola renda aku
intan..ain...nor ngan ermmmm...sorg lg x tau nme die ape...sory!hehe
spanjag cuti ni kn...aku cm rse len mcm sket
xtau la sbab ape....hurmmmmm
td gurl dok sbela aku...
da nk smpi...die tgor aku dulu!haha
reti plak aku nk abes cm tuh je la...haha(aku pon x tringin nk mtak ape2)
btw.aku pneng la kne ujan td...rse nk ckp bnyak tp esok-esoklah yer
*bibir aku bdarah....mse nga ceum adek td...die bley lompat!hampeh
xpe dek...abg ttap syg ko..huhu
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Welcome To Johor Bahru
hari ni....aku akn pulg ke johor bahru
tanah tumpah darahku...aku sayang JB!
besok da pose....selamat berpuasa semua!
K:"lu da ganti ke pose?da nk pose blek da ni"
L:"lme lg x?lg sminggu kn?"
L:"x sempat kot"
i dun i hve reason to stay longer in Malacca
am i gonna love'em?
tanah tumpah darahku...aku sayang JB!
besok da pose....selamat berpuasa semua!
K:"lu da ganti ke pose?da nk pose blek da ni"
L:"lme lg x?lg sminggu kn?"
L:"x sempat kot"
i dun i hve reason to stay longer in Malacca
am i gonna love'em?
My Bad
diz entry r not for people dat had hurt me..
n its not about them for sure...i've stop talkin bout those tings
its all about person dat i was tryin to get to noe...n my fellow lads
y do people keep doin the same mistake all the time?
again n again....the problem alwez be the same
the matter of understanding....
the matter of give n take.....
most people didn't realize dat they r really in vain...
so do i...i tot i was gud...but the fact is bad..
pointing fingers to the others....
sum people said...a person dat do the same mistake everyday
r an arsehole n fuckin stupid....
it juz peole do mke mistake...
but not repeatin doin mistake..i mean the same mistake...
sumtime,i tot i was rite...n dun get wut people really mean..i'm sorry
im juz a boy dat can forget his toys...still tot dat he were only 9
keep playin with his lego or wutsoeva.....
wishin god help me finding the way...
i keep on learnin n hope dat life r really bout learnin....
i'm on my way to be a betterman...god wishin
my mistake were made for everyone...
my mistake were made for you.....
n its not about them for sure...i've stop talkin bout those tings
its all about person dat i was tryin to get to noe...n my fellow lads
y do people keep doin the same mistake all the time?
again n again....the problem alwez be the same
the matter of understanding....
the matter of give n take.....
most people didn't realize dat they r really in vain...
so do i...i tot i was gud...but the fact is bad..
pointing fingers to the others....
sum people said...a person dat do the same mistake everyday
r an arsehole n fuckin stupid....
it juz peole do mke mistake...
but not repeatin doin mistake..i mean the same mistake...
sumtime,i tot i was rite...n dun get wut people really mean..i'm sorry
im juz a boy dat can forget his toys...still tot dat he were only 9
keep playin with his lego or wutsoeva.....
wishin god help me finding the way...
i keep on learnin n hope dat life r really bout learnin....
i'm on my way to be a betterman...god wishin
my mistake were made for everyone...
my mistake were made for you.....
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
give in...
I want you
And you want me
And there's nothing stopping you
From kissing me
So I am tearing my hair out
Because I want you
Give in to your heart
Don't let him sell you out
Give in to your heart
I wont let you be sold out
I need you
Do you still want me?
There's nothing stopping us
From touching each other
Are you tearing your hair out?
Because I already have
Give in to your heart
Don't let your life be bought over
Give in to your heart
Don't let him sell you out
Him sell you out
Give in, give in, give in to m
And you want me
And there's nothing stopping you
From kissing me
So I am tearing my hair out
Because I want you
Give in to your heart
Don't let him sell you out
Give in to your heart
I wont let you be sold out
I need you
Do you still want me?
There's nothing stopping us
From touching each other
Are you tearing your hair out?
Because I already have
Give in to your heart
Don't let your life be bought over
Give in to your heart
Don't let him sell you out
Him sell you out
Give in, give in, give in to m
19 Agustus 2009
assalamualaikum dan selamat mlm semue
diharap anda sihat2 sentiasa
oke...for the gud news
i meet her diz evening
noe wut...she was too gorjes
i juz dunno wut to say
n my feet feel like shakin
once she sitting beside me...hehe
ok...funny,hepi go lucky n very attractive
n for sure too nice to hold
for god sake,i never meet sum1 like her
i guess i was too lucky to noe her...i am lucky!
juz too gud to be true...ya
btw mates,i'm so glad to noe u
thanx ya.....welcome to my life
more story on miss pinky...
she do text me...n said wuts goin on between us..
i bet she noe....
i juz can't stand nymore...
enough is enough oke...
hmmm..i'm sory dat i hve to leave
oke....nuff said
till then....thanx a lot c comot yg comey
*"come on gob,yg sampah pon hang x ley kan plak intan,berlian..bodo!"aizat zahir.....yer la jat...
diharap anda sihat2 sentiasa
oke...for the gud news
i meet her diz evening
noe wut...she was too gorjes
i juz dunno wut to say
n my feet feel like shakin
once she sitting beside me...hehe
ok...funny,hepi go lucky n very attractive
n for sure too nice to hold
for god sake,i never meet sum1 like her
i guess i was too lucky to noe her...i am lucky!
juz too gud to be true...ya
btw mates,i'm so glad to noe u
thanx ya.....welcome to my life
more story on miss pinky...
she do text me...n said wuts goin on between us..
i bet she noe....
i juz can't stand nymore...
enough is enough oke...
hmmm..i'm sory dat i hve to leave
oke....nuff said
till then....thanx a lot c comot yg comey
*"come on gob,yg sampah pon hang x ley kan plak intan,berlian..bodo!"aizat zahir.....yer la jat...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
aku hepi hari nie...
dun ask me y....
ok.nk wat report dulu.....hehe
btw...arsenal vs celtic jap g...come on u gooooonersssss!
dun ask me y....
ok.nk wat report dulu.....hehe
btw...arsenal vs celtic jap g...come on u gooooonersssss!
Monday, August 17, 2009
mimpi permainan tidur...kate mereka
mimpi hanyalah perbualan syaitan...kete mereka..
tp bg aku
mimpi adalah segala-galanya
aku seorang yg kuat bermimpi
tidor 10 mnit pon bole mimpi
nikan plak tdur berjam-jam lamenye
dari kecik...aku banyak dipengaruhi mimpi
dari mimpi ade awek smpi la mpi antu
if mpi antu,aku akan tkot berhari-hari lamenye
mpi awek?berbulan-bulan
rse mcm aku mseh dlm mpi
kadang2,aku rase aku nk tros idop dlm mpi
xmo bgon dari tidur
sbab realiti idop x seindah mpi
aku adalah seorang yg akan cuba igt blek
ape yg aku mimpikan sepertiduran aku
malah...aku boleh cerite..mule2 aku mpi ape smpi la aku sedar..huhu
mpi bole buatkn aku suke kt org n benci kt org...amcm?
kdg2 ade musim die..
aku akan mpikn bende yg same tiap i psycho?
pna aku cerite psal mpi aku dlm fesbuk...n
"ko ni da cm psycho do"kate mas
hahahaha....aku hanye nk kongsi keindahan mpi aku ngan diorg jek
as for the dreamer
alwez be a dreamer
aku hanya mampu bermimpi dan bermimpi..
dan aku adalah seorng yg mempunyai impian yg sgt tgi!
"i am ambitious but i'm not delicous"kate legob
make sense x?
nah!ni corus lagu retro mimpiku....
tapi itu hanya mimpiku,
aku sedarku hanya dialam fantasi,
semua itu mustahil tuk ku miliki,
jika aku dialam realiti.....lalalala
mimpi hanyalah perbualan syaitan...kete mereka..
tp bg aku
mimpi adalah segala-galanya
aku seorang yg kuat bermimpi
tidor 10 mnit pon bole mimpi
nikan plak tdur berjam-jam lamenye
dari kecik...aku banyak dipengaruhi mimpi
dari mimpi ade awek smpi la mpi antu
if mpi antu,aku akan tkot berhari-hari lamenye
mpi awek?berbulan-bulan
rse mcm aku mseh dlm mpi
kadang2,aku rase aku nk tros idop dlm mpi
xmo bgon dari tidur
sbab realiti idop x seindah mpi
aku adalah seorang yg akan cuba igt blek
ape yg aku mimpikan sepertiduran aku
malah...aku boleh cerite..mule2 aku mpi ape smpi la aku sedar..huhu
mpi bole buatkn aku suke kt org n benci kt org...amcm?
kdg2 ade musim die..
aku akan mpikn bende yg same tiap i psycho?
pna aku cerite psal mpi aku dlm fesbuk...n
"ko ni da cm psycho do"kate mas
hahahaha....aku hanye nk kongsi keindahan mpi aku ngan diorg jek
as for the dreamer
alwez be a dreamer
aku hanya mampu bermimpi dan bermimpi..
dan aku adalah seorng yg mempunyai impian yg sgt tgi!
"i am ambitious but i'm not delicous"kate legob
make sense x?
nah!ni corus lagu retro mimpiku....
tapi itu hanya mimpiku,
aku sedarku hanya dialam fantasi,
semua itu mustahil tuk ku miliki,
jika aku dialam realiti.....lalalala
My Mistake Were Made For You...hell yeah!
About as subtle as an earthquake, I know
My mistakes were made for you
And in the back room of a bad dream, she came
And whisked me away, enthused
And it's solid as a rock rolling down a hill
The fact is that it probably will hit something
On the hazardous terrain
And were just following the flock, round
And the inbetween, before we smash to smithereens
Like they were, and we scrambled from the grain
And its the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldnt help, but spit em out
Innocence and arrogance intwined
In the filthiest of minds
She's was bitten on her birthday, and now
A face in the crowd, shes not
And i suspect that now, forever the shape
She came to escape, its forgot
And it's alot to ask and not to sting
Give her less than everything
Around your crooked conscious she will wind
Cos were just following the flock round
And the in-between
Before we smash to smithereens
Like they were, and we scramble from the grain
And it's the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldnt help, but spit em out
Around your crooked conscious she will wind
And it's alot to ask and not to sting
Giver her less than everything
Innocence and arrogance intwined
confes2!my mistake were made for you
My mistakes were made for you
And in the back room of a bad dream, she came
And whisked me away, enthused
And it's solid as a rock rolling down a hill
The fact is that it probably will hit something
On the hazardous terrain
And were just following the flock, round
And the inbetween, before we smash to smithereens
Like they were, and we scrambled from the grain
And its the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldnt help, but spit em out
Innocence and arrogance intwined
In the filthiest of minds
She's was bitten on her birthday, and now
A face in the crowd, shes not
And i suspect that now, forever the shape
She came to escape, its forgot
And it's alot to ask and not to sting
Give her less than everything
Around your crooked conscious she will wind
Cos were just following the flock round
And the in-between
Before we smash to smithereens
Like they were, and we scramble from the grain
And it's the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldnt help, but spit em out
Around your crooked conscious she will wind
And it's alot to ask and not to sting
Giver her less than everything
Innocence and arrogance intwined
confes2!my mistake were made for you
Sunday, August 16, 2009
mahkota deria yg ke-6
biarkan lagu ini menyanyi untukmu
supaya nanti kau rasa sendiri
aku kan teruskan menyanyi dan menanti
supaya nanti kau rasa sendiri....
biarkan kau menyanyi "tak bisa memilihmu"
aku x mungkin lg akan menyanyi "tanpa" mahupon "maafkanku"
terasa ingin menyanyi "khatimah cinta"...lalalalala
soden dgn kasot adidas baru die
kuda dgn 2 helai t-shirt esprit kids baru die
cd dgn 2 helai t-shirt giordano baru die
ejat dan azam bersama t-shirt giordano baru mereka
aku?hahaha,,,ckuplah rm 501.70 abes ri tuh
yup!tersenyum lebar melihat diorunk terhasot dan keluar duet byk2...gah!
mseh berasa terharu kerana khidmat fashion consultant aku mseh diperlukan
seantero dunie...gagaga
aku keluarkn resit quicksilver aku
tp pelik...xde item yg dibeli
rm 20...payment for replacing lost membership card..damn!
"u,sory..i tkot nk btau..kad qs n topman u hilg skali mse beg i kne ragot ari tuh"kte si pinx
supaya nanti kau rasa sendiri
aku kan teruskan menyanyi dan menanti
supaya nanti kau rasa sendiri....
biarkan kau menyanyi "tak bisa memilihmu"
aku x mungkin lg akan menyanyi "tanpa" mahupon "maafkanku"
terasa ingin menyanyi "khatimah cinta"...lalalalala
soden dgn kasot adidas baru die
kuda dgn 2 helai t-shirt esprit kids baru die
cd dgn 2 helai t-shirt giordano baru die
ejat dan azam bersama t-shirt giordano baru mereka
aku?hahaha,,,ckuplah rm 501.70 abes ri tuh
yup!tersenyum lebar melihat diorunk terhasot dan keluar duet byk2...gah!
mseh berasa terharu kerana khidmat fashion consultant aku mseh diperlukan
seantero dunie...gagaga
aku keluarkn resit quicksilver aku
tp pelik...xde item yg dibeli
rm 20...payment for replacing lost membership card..damn!
"u,sory..i tkot nk btau..kad qs n topman u hilg skali mse beg i kne ragot ari tuh"kte si pinx
Saturday, August 15, 2009
dugaannya by hujan
"tuhan bg dugaan gle babi kt kt hang kn?"
"sbab 1 mistake je,mcm ni skali hang dpat kn?"
god wish mates...
sume tu da tertulis kot..
lyankn aje la....
tp aku relax je kn..
x rase aku cool ke?sgt kn?...lalalala(sambil dgr lgu dugaannya)
"sbab 1 mistake je,mcm ni skali hang dpat kn?"
god wish mates...
sume tu da tertulis kot..
lyankn aje la....
tp aku relax je kn..
x rase aku cool ke?sgt kn?...lalalala(sambil dgr lgu dugaannya)
Friday, August 14, 2009
wonderfull world of smilin me
E: "ko ni npe cm da laen ek skunk"
L: "laen cne lak?"
E:"ye la,len mcm..hepi jek..da xmcm mse ko roomate aku dulu"
ade org termenung pikir pebenda la yg mber die ckp tuh
org tuh da mpu tersenyum...gelak kuat2
aku rse die da kembali pade dunie die blek la
harap2 die akan teros bersinar...
gud luck la legob....
L: "laen cne lak?"
E:"ye la,len mcm..hepi jek..da xmcm mse ko roomate aku dulu"
ade org termenung pikir pebenda la yg mber die ckp tuh
org tuh da mpu tersenyum...gelak kuat2
aku rse die da kembali pade dunie die blek la
harap2 die akan teros bersinar...
gud luck la legob....
Thursday, August 13, 2009
x abes2
siang td...
aku chat ngan mber aku...
mlas nk cter pjg2
itz juz 2 org yg aku agp mates da wat shit kt aku
sial kn?
come on mates..
ko tau aku ngan pompuan tuh cne
ko tau kot!
yer...mmg aku da xde pape ngan die
n x pnah de pape pon kn...
tp kn...bkan ke slame nie aku nyak cte kt ko
n now,ko rpat lak ngan die...
gle la ko...
aku x ksah la
cme x sangke jek
ko pon de awek kn..
kte rapat sgt kot..
aku cm tersentak sgt
xpela.ske ati ko la
ko pon de awek kn
pndi2 la ko ek
jgn tkene suda
n for u!
congratz la...
keep on playin n lyin
dat ur job kn?
wut evr la
i' gonna fuck'em for fuck sake!arsehole...
aku chat ngan mber aku...
mlas nk cter pjg2
itz juz 2 org yg aku agp mates da wat shit kt aku
sial kn?
come on mates..
ko tau aku ngan pompuan tuh cne
ko tau kot!
yer...mmg aku da xde pape ngan die
n x pnah de pape pon kn...
tp kn...bkan ke slame nie aku nyak cte kt ko
n now,ko rpat lak ngan die...
gle la ko...
aku x ksah la
cme x sangke jek
ko pon de awek kn..
kte rapat sgt kot..
aku cm tersentak sgt
xpela.ske ati ko la
ko pon de awek kn
pndi2 la ko ek
jgn tkene suda
n for u!
congratz la...
keep on playin n lyin
dat ur job kn?
wut evr la
i' gonna fuck'em for fuck sake!arsehole...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
erase it!
haaa....entry ke 3 tok mlm ni jek...
da lme x tulis kn?hamek ko.....
ok!as for the jb i mean
jgn rsau...aku akn slalu blek sem nie..
da xde pe da aku nk wat kt mlake nie..
korunk paham kot nape...
aku pon da ckp kt ibu...
"wan slalu blek kot sem nie"
tau die balas ape....
"ye la,awek da kt cni,dlu awek kt mlake"
haha...u r totally wrong mum!
awek?sjak ble aku ade awek?
n...awek kt jb?haha..wut a joke..
maybe tu ayat ibu nk sdap kn ati aku
da puas crite kt die...seb bek time nanges smpt cover...
yg kt mlake...
hujung2 mgu aku...ngan korunk la
da x ilg2 cm dulu da...
n ptg rabu?da x ilg cm sem lpas...
aku ade jek if u'll need me...
subaidah?infasha?hang tuah all?gadek?name it..
tp lau de game arsenal...korunk lynkn aku dulu...ok?
aku de delete beberape entry
erm...try to erase bad memory way la
harap bkesan...hope korunk x kesah k(ade ke yg kesa?)haha
da lme x tulis kn?hamek ko.....
ok!as for the jb i mean
jgn rsau...aku akn slalu blek sem nie..
da xde pe da aku nk wat kt mlake nie..
korunk paham kot nape...
aku pon da ckp kt ibu...
"wan slalu blek kot sem nie"
tau die balas ape....
"ye la,awek da kt cni,dlu awek kt mlake"
haha...u r totally wrong mum!
awek?sjak ble aku ade awek?
n...awek kt jb?haha..wut a joke..
maybe tu ayat ibu nk sdap kn ati aku
da puas crite kt die...seb bek time nanges smpt cover...
yg kt mlake...
hujung2 mgu aku...ngan korunk la
da x ilg2 cm dulu da...
n ptg rabu?da x ilg cm sem lpas...
aku ade jek if u'll need me...
subaidah?infasha?hang tuah all?gadek?name it..
tp lau de game arsenal...korunk lynkn aku dulu...ok?
aku de delete beberape entry
erm...try to erase bad memory way la
harap bkesan...hope korunk x kesah k(ade ke yg kesa?)haha
oh there....
erm..lirk ni ditulis dl blan 3 0r 4 cmtuh.. wonder la lau die pnye ayat len mcm jek..hehe
actly,fared nk lyric nie...
tp tgu lagu siap...smpi ke suda la...huhu
lyric ke 2 aku publish...1 lg ade...
da lme publish...kt bwh2 ni je kot...
ok...enjoy it...more to come!
the day i break her heart
the moment i let her down
when a word turn so cheap
and a promise ain't so fine
wut it feel to be left
it takes forever to be well
now i lay down on my feet
to say i'm sorry
through my hardest day
yes i felt the pain in it
my path just make me lost
u are my air to breath
u are my light to see
and a soul lay forever
wish the day could be easier
with u by myside forever
oh there,oh there
are u hearing me
oh there,oh there
my wasted heart said
oh there,oh there
together we find our love
god i don't care
if sun won't shine
if rain won't fall
if grass won't grow
let the roses fall from the burning sky
let a moon spoke to the sun
if that would change a thing,please
oh there,oh there
are u hearing me
oh there,oh there
my wasted heart said
oh there,oh there
together we find our love wonder la lau die pnye ayat len mcm jek..hehe
actly,fared nk lyric nie...
tp tgu lagu siap...smpi ke suda la...huhu
lyric ke 2 aku publish...1 lg ade...
da lme publish...kt bwh2 ni je kot...
ok...enjoy it...more to come!
the day i break her heart
the moment i let her down
when a word turn so cheap
and a promise ain't so fine
wut it feel to be left
it takes forever to be well
now i lay down on my feet
to say i'm sorry
through my hardest day
yes i felt the pain in it
my path just make me lost
u are my air to breath
u are my light to see
and a soul lay forever
wish the day could be easier
with u by myside forever
oh there,oh there
are u hearing me
oh there,oh there
my wasted heart said
oh there,oh there
together we find our love
god i don't care
if sun won't shine
if rain won't fall
if grass won't grow
let the roses fall from the burning sky
let a moon spoke to the sun
if that would change a thing,please
oh there,oh there
are u hearing me
oh there,oh there
my wasted heart said
oh there,oh there
together we find our love
oi!i'm back!maybe
terase mcm nk mnulis blek
tbe2 je kn?
maybe ade sesuatu yg memanggel aku kot
kwn2 da x update kte diorunk..
haha...ntah,byak yg bermaen kt hati nie....
tp cm x lalu nk tules...huuuuuu
so,maybe entry nie akan jdik sgt pjg...kot?
lau sgup bce....go on la...warning awal2 nih...hehe
where shud we stat...?
sem lpas...
period...blan 2 smpi 5
aku dlm kejahilan...
seyes...aku total lost...
xtau pe aku wat....
yg penting...i'm in the deep sad...
for the period of time....
becoz of sum 1...
aku pna bcinte ker?
xpna...secare aku tau bagaimana rsenyer cinte tuh...
indah kn?so...aku x heran..haha
pna x die tnye...knape aku blah dulu?
pna ker?x pna kot....
n ape status kite mase tuh?nuthin kn...
i'm back....becoz of wut?
u la....u yg courage i...u bg harapan kt i
i pon x tau knape i jdik bodo sbab jatoh cinte blek kt u..
shitfuck!really...i mean it...
u pna ckap..."i x ske u nk agp i nie cm milik u cm dulu"
u...realize...sdar x ape yg u ckp...
i x pna memiliki u...
i x pna memiliki spe2 pon kt dunia nie... sad!(wut the big deals then?)
stop it...u da pg pon skunk nie...
diz is the end of it...
hope u hepy ngan nua...
wlaupon i tau u x hepy kn?
u da wat pilihan...dan i pon
beg kite?ble nk tuka balek?
i pon xtau....i tkot tkot nk jpe u lg
even dgr sore u pon...huw
tp i x ngelak kn...rse nk buang u jaoh2
bkan sbab i benci u...cme da xnk mencederakan hati i lagi..
n now..u cm nk close ngan i blek...
sory if u notice dat i da laen....i juz can't do it nymore...
u r my darkside...i mean it...
yes...we still a mates after all...but juz keep it diz way k...sory
(cm die bce lak!haha)
seyesly...x sangke bde ni abes cmni kn?
xpela...bde pon da jdik...
n u hve tke ur revenge kn...da puas ati?
congratz la ek....
xpe...even perit pon...
i still bole tersenyom ble igt memori kite..thanx a lot ya!
ok...rse nk igt blek pe yg da jdik...
17 januari 2009
yes...bfore diz kte mmg da kontek...
tp...asal contact jek mesti gado..
bosan la u...huhu....
n....yg pling i mara...
u x caye mse i ckp i accident..
sboley2 igt i g clubing...huhu papela u
then,i da mlas nk contact u...
smpi la 1 hari u kol i....
u ckp npe i senyap...
"relax la,slow2 la k"
u rse pe yg i pkirkn mse tuh?
i nekad nk blek ngan u...
sbab ape?pkir sndri la pink oi...
tp ari nie...aku igt smpi skarang...
ari 1st kte kuar lpas da setaun x jpe..
i igt ayat u mse i wat dono kt u ari tuh...
"the way u treat me,its a problem"
i tersentak...n i nekad akan ubah cre i layan u...
then,tarikh2 aku da lupe la..
tp ape yg die ckp aku igt..
1."u,i sygkn u...i xnk bg harapan kt u..if u nk tgu,tgu la k"
2."u,i da de boy dulu...kterg da i still syg kt die...slow2 la k...u juz stay k"(sbil nyanyi lgu stay=estrella)
3"u.i xley tpu dri i...i sygkn u sgt2...x bley idop tanpe i mse kay..."
4."u...u mates i,nua mates i,i xtau la u...u xyah la pkirkn i sgt...i bkan de pkir sal u pon...lau ade jodoh,ade la....lau u pndi jge i,y not kn?"
5."u...janji ngan i,even apepon jdik...kte ttp mates...janji!"
6."u...u ble nk ade awek nih?hehe"
7."u...i xley nk trime u..u terlalu baek utk i...lgpon,kte jaoh sgt...u noe me kn,i need sum kte mmg x ley sme2 la"
8,"u...u nie mates i,i kne jge u..ubah u...1 mse nti i akan pergi gak...i ce nk teman u...smpi la nti da de org ganti k"
9."u...jgn wat i rimas pliz"
10."pliz jgn bz body psal hal pink lg!aku pandai nk jge die(nua)"
hurm...mungkin ade yg aku tertinggal...x larat nk igt...sbab aku da smakin x cool nk nules nih
tp cm tuh la lbey kurg kronologi die....
talks is cheap kn...ske2 jek nk ubah2
ibu,kwn2 aku...di jb mahupon mlake
sgt x stuju dgn tindakan aku slame nie...
tp aku butekan mate..pekakkan telinga
sbab aku rse aku btol n hope tuhan ade ngan aku..
tp x...huuuuuuuuuuuuu
even kwn2 aku yg pd mulenye ade la lbey kurg 10 org
positif n support aku..
at last tgal sorg jek...yg len da blame aku dan kte aku bodo..
yg tgal tu pon mgkin sbab nk jge ati aku
dan x larat da nk tgok aku nges smpi leba bijik mate mse citer pasal nie
ye mate aku kot...aku nges...die yg kne
bodo ke aku?
btw...congratz pd golongan negatif
n on the positive side...i'm sorry
even da camtuh pon...aku still kontek die
n wat cm bese...die wat prangai cne pon aku lynkn
n its a len x tau...
xmo diorg bsing2 lg
ckap kt diorg...aku da x kontek..
bkan kte2 die je brubah hari demi hari..
doa aku pon brubah gak...
n the last thing dat i said to god is..
"apepon yg jdik nti,harap kau dpat tenangkn jiwe aku n kuatkn smangat aku"
hu...aku tkot pd dri aku sndri...
tau x pe aku pkir...
aku pkir...aku dtg ruma org
aku dtg org jempot....
aku xkn blah slagi org x halau aku..
knape aku keluar dari ruma tuh?
tgokla blek pe yg die da ckap..
kt atas...ayat no 10..
da bce? wonder la aku blah kn
org da halau kot
terkeseng-keseng lg kt situ wat perkn..
klua uma org...mate bengkak
apsal haaaaa?haha
*tringat lak mse aku sejok cm nk mati kt bus stand pontian sorg2
nk blek jb duet tambang x cukop...pgel mber dtg amek
rse bsalah gile kt mber....blek uma,ibu mara,bak mara,ayah perli
"sbab pompuan ko sgup cmni ek?kalau ngan family xnk plak...hishhh"kate ibu
aku tau derite tuh xkn abes kt situ..
aku ok je spanjang kt jb
tp aku tkot blek mlake
nta knape nta
tp aku gagahkn diri walaupon aku blek lwat sminggu dari kwn2
n...i'm ok...thanx god.....
hurm....nuff said kot...
even byak lg nk ckp..'
nti2 la...sbab aku da rse len mcm nih...huhu
as 4 ibu...yg x abes2 tanye...xyah la nk dok sg die lg bu..
die da laen da...(da,aku da btau ibu da)
btw....tribute to Nurul Shafiqah Alia Bte Rusli...
i'm gonna miss u...forever mates!i mean forever
everybody got their own stories...
so...wut is ur stories then???
story of my life....
cop!still hve a gud news la....

blan 5-blan 7
aku keje kt econsave jap...
my old job kot...hehe
dlm sedeh lg...
tp nga nk recover...reborn la..hehe
2 mgu keje!haha...ponteng je byak...
then...dpt keje kt utm...
haha...gomen kot!
keje mulot asek nyumpah
karenah birokrasi yg x berhati perot
sikap tindas menindas oleh golongan yg mengaku kapitalis(fuck u moron!)
tp gaji baek!rm 57 per day...
ala...gaji x nmpak per pon...abes byar utang jek
byak kot nk jdik
bak kte mak aku..."ko nie...mude2 lg da utang sane sini"
haha...nk wat cne ade tanggong jawb..
a lot of new things happen...
i love it...make new friends...
yup...i'm too happy to told it..
it juz...thanx god...
my life was not over yet...
i'm still alive n kickin!haha
blan 7-8
ok...da stat sem bru..
luckily...aku bkan pemonteng tegar lg cm da nk jdik blek nie..
bahaye2...control beb...control
ok...yg penting aku da ade life aku blek
i'm too happy to live my life now..
i mean it
too many gud tings happen lately...thanx a lot!
btw,the latest 1
cuti h1n1...
enjoy gile...everyday is a holiday
enjoy gle2 nye...x tepikir pon kt org2 yg kne selseme babi yg da ujong2 tuh..huhu
ok....siap g tioman lg
yup...tioman!ko mmg terbaek..
i'll be back...i promise u!
nuff said...more to come...kot?
bola da nk stat da...
finally i've sumtink to do on weekend...
my passion i mean...wut else u gonna do on saturday?i'm hooligans
come on u gunners....keep the arsene we trust!
terase mcm nk mnulis blek
tbe2 je kn?
maybe ade sesuatu yg memanggel aku kot
kwn2 da x update kte diorunk..
haha...ntah,byak yg bermaen kt hati nie....
tp cm x lalu nk tules...huuuuuu
so,maybe entry nie akan jdik sgt pjg...kot?
lau sgup bce....go on la...warning awal2 nih...hehe
where shud we stat...?
sem lpas...
period...blan 2 smpi 5
aku dlm kejahilan...
seyes...aku total lost...
xtau pe aku wat....
yg penting...i'm in the deep sad...
for the period of time....
becoz of sum 1...
aku pna bcinte ker?
xpna...secare aku tau bagaimana rsenyer cinte tuh...
indah kn?so...aku x heran..haha
pna x die tnye...knape aku blah dulu?
pna ker?x pna kot....
n ape status kite mase tuh?nuthin kn...
i'm back....becoz of wut?
u la....u yg courage i...u bg harapan kt i
i pon x tau knape i jdik bodo sbab jatoh cinte blek kt u..
shitfuck!really...i mean it...
u pna ckap..."i x ske u nk agp i nie cm milik u cm dulu"
u...realize...sdar x ape yg u ckp...
i x pna memiliki u...
i x pna memiliki spe2 pon kt dunia nie... sad!(wut the big deals then?)
stop it...u da pg pon skunk nie...
diz is the end of it...
hope u hepy ngan nua...
wlaupon i tau u x hepy kn?
u da wat pilihan...dan i pon
beg kite?ble nk tuka balek?
i pon xtau....i tkot tkot nk jpe u lg
even dgr sore u pon...huw
tp i x ngelak kn...rse nk buang u jaoh2
bkan sbab i benci u...cme da xnk mencederakan hati i lagi..
n now..u cm nk close ngan i blek...
sory if u notice dat i da laen....i juz can't do it nymore...
u r my darkside...i mean it...
yes...we still a mates after all...but juz keep it diz way k...sory
(cm die bce lak!haha)
seyesly...x sangke bde ni abes cmni kn?
xpela...bde pon da jdik...
n u hve tke ur revenge kn...da puas ati?
congratz la ek....
xpe...even perit pon...
i still bole tersenyom ble igt memori kite..thanx a lot ya!
ok...rse nk igt blek pe yg da jdik...
17 januari 2009
yes...bfore diz kte mmg da kontek...
tp...asal contact jek mesti gado..
bosan la u...huhu....
n....yg pling i mara...
u x caye mse i ckp i accident..
sboley2 igt i g clubing...huhu papela u
then,i da mlas nk contact u...
smpi la 1 hari u kol i....
u ckp npe i senyap...
"relax la,slow2 la k"
u rse pe yg i pkirkn mse tuh?
i nekad nk blek ngan u...
sbab ape?pkir sndri la pink oi...
tp ari nie...aku igt smpi skarang...
ari 1st kte kuar lpas da setaun x jpe..
i igt ayat u mse i wat dono kt u ari tuh...
"the way u treat me,its a problem"
i tersentak...n i nekad akan ubah cre i layan u...
then,tarikh2 aku da lupe la..
tp ape yg die ckp aku igt..
1."u,i sygkn u...i xnk bg harapan kt u..if u nk tgu,tgu la k"
2."u,i da de boy dulu...kterg da i still syg kt die...slow2 la k...u juz stay k"(sbil nyanyi lgu stay=estrella)
3"u.i xley tpu dri i...i sygkn u sgt2...x bley idop tanpe i mse kay..."
4."u...u mates i,nua mates i,i xtau la u...u xyah la pkirkn i sgt...i bkan de pkir sal u pon...lau ade jodoh,ade la....lau u pndi jge i,y not kn?"
5."u...janji ngan i,even apepon jdik...kte ttp mates...janji!"
6."u...u ble nk ade awek nih?hehe"
7."u...i xley nk trime u..u terlalu baek utk i...lgpon,kte jaoh sgt...u noe me kn,i need sum kte mmg x ley sme2 la"
8,"u...u nie mates i,i kne jge u..ubah u...1 mse nti i akan pergi gak...i ce nk teman u...smpi la nti da de org ganti k"
9."u...jgn wat i rimas pliz"
10."pliz jgn bz body psal hal pink lg!aku pandai nk jge die(nua)"
hurm...mungkin ade yg aku tertinggal...x larat nk igt...sbab aku da smakin x cool nk nules nih
tp cm tuh la lbey kurg kronologi die....
talks is cheap kn...ske2 jek nk ubah2
ibu,kwn2 aku...di jb mahupon mlake
sgt x stuju dgn tindakan aku slame nie...
tp aku butekan mate..pekakkan telinga
sbab aku rse aku btol n hope tuhan ade ngan aku..
tp x...huuuuuuuuuuuuu
even kwn2 aku yg pd mulenye ade la lbey kurg 10 org
positif n support aku..
at last tgal sorg jek...yg len da blame aku dan kte aku bodo..
yg tgal tu pon mgkin sbab nk jge ati aku
dan x larat da nk tgok aku nges smpi leba bijik mate mse citer pasal nie
ye mate aku kot...aku nges...die yg kne
bodo ke aku?
btw...congratz pd golongan negatif
n on the positive side...i'm sorry
even da camtuh pon...aku still kontek die
n wat cm bese...die wat prangai cne pon aku lynkn
n its a len x tau...
xmo diorg bsing2 lg
ckap kt diorg...aku da x kontek..
bkan kte2 die je brubah hari demi hari..
doa aku pon brubah gak...
n the last thing dat i said to god is..
"apepon yg jdik nti,harap kau dpat tenangkn jiwe aku n kuatkn smangat aku"
hu...aku tkot pd dri aku sndri...
tau x pe aku pkir...
aku pkir...aku dtg ruma org
aku dtg org jempot....
aku xkn blah slagi org x halau aku..
knape aku keluar dari ruma tuh?
tgokla blek pe yg die da ckap..
kt atas...ayat no 10..
da bce? wonder la aku blah kn
org da halau kot
terkeseng-keseng lg kt situ wat perkn..
klua uma org...mate bengkak
apsal haaaaa?haha
*tringat lak mse aku sejok cm nk mati kt bus stand pontian sorg2
nk blek jb duet tambang x cukop...pgel mber dtg amek
rse bsalah gile kt mber....blek uma,ibu mara,bak mara,ayah perli
"sbab pompuan ko sgup cmni ek?kalau ngan family xnk plak...hishhh"kate ibu
aku tau derite tuh xkn abes kt situ..
aku ok je spanjang kt jb
tp aku tkot blek mlake
nta knape nta
tp aku gagahkn diri walaupon aku blek lwat sminggu dari kwn2
n...i'm ok...thanx god.....
hurm....nuff said kot...
even byak lg nk ckp..'
nti2 la...sbab aku da rse len mcm nih...huhu
as 4 ibu...yg x abes2 tanye...xyah la nk dok sg die lg bu..
die da laen da...(da,aku da btau ibu da)
btw....tribute to Nurul Shafiqah Alia Bte Rusli...
i'm gonna miss u...forever mates!i mean forever
everybody got their own stories...
so...wut is ur stories then???
story of my life....
cop!still hve a gud news la....
blan 5-blan 7
aku keje kt econsave jap...
my old job kot...hehe
dlm sedeh lg...
tp nga nk recover...reborn la..hehe
2 mgu keje!haha...ponteng je byak...
then...dpt keje kt utm...
haha...gomen kot!
keje mulot asek nyumpah
karenah birokrasi yg x berhati perot
sikap tindas menindas oleh golongan yg mengaku kapitalis(fuck u moron!)
tp gaji baek!rm 57 per day...
ala...gaji x nmpak per pon...abes byar utang jek
byak kot nk jdik
bak kte mak aku..."ko nie...mude2 lg da utang sane sini"
haha...nk wat cne ade tanggong jawb..
a lot of new things happen...
i love it...make new friends...
yup...i'm too happy to told it..
it juz...thanx god...
my life was not over yet...
i'm still alive n kickin!haha
blan 7-8
ok...da stat sem bru..
luckily...aku bkan pemonteng tegar lg cm da nk jdik blek nie..
bahaye2...control beb...control
ok...yg penting aku da ade life aku blek
i'm too happy to live my life now..
i mean it
too many gud tings happen lately...thanx a lot!
btw,the latest 1
cuti h1n1...
enjoy gile...everyday is a holiday
enjoy gle2 nye...x tepikir pon kt org2 yg kne selseme babi yg da ujong2 tuh..huhu
ok....siap g tioman lg
yup...tioman!ko mmg terbaek..
i'll be back...i promise u!
nuff said...more to come...kot?
bola da nk stat da...
finally i've sumtink to do on weekend...
my passion i mean...wut else u gonna do on saturday?i'm hooligans
come on u gunners....keep the arsene we trust!
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